Guess what, y'all?

As you probably know, Greg and I left San Diego last October to get some traveling out of our system, expand our cultural horizons, and ultimately, find a home on the coast that is closer to family.  To say it has been a crazy adventure would be a gross understatement.

I'll be honest - I am road weary. In mid-March, we were up to 46 different beds since November 1st (I've since lost track) and I have cooked meals in I don't know how many different kitchens. I suppose it's probably something like 46.  While I've really enjoyed everything we've done, I'm surprised by how ready I am get back to a regular life.  I want a place to call home again.


I know! It's very exciting.  Have you been to Charleston? It's awesome. It's beautiful in both it's landscape and architecture, it has decent enough waves that you can surf every day, the weather is HOT (which is great if you like that sort of thing, and we do), there are many pockets of interesting areas and neighborhoods to explore, they have an amazing food scene, and maybe best of all, the people are really, really, really friendly.

Through our travels (actually, through Couchsurfing*), we met lots of non-Charlestonians who were also really, really, really friendly, and so we made a series of postcards** to send to our international friends to tell them where we finally ended up.  Aren't they sweet?

So, please hit me up if you come to the Charleston area and say hello.  Also, if you know anyone who lives there already, I would love to be introduced.

We set sail from Chicago next Friday.  Woot woot!

*If you're not familiar with Couchsurfing, I highly recommend you check it out. It's a fantastic way to travel or meet people passing through your area.  We used to find places to stay along our trip (we only paid for 1 hotel room in 30 days of travel!), and to set up free cooking classes that were WAY better than anything money could buy.  I'm happy to answer questions about Couchsurfing too. Email me or leave a comment.

**My wonderfully talented friend Liz Gresey also makes fun collages, among other things, so follow her blog if you dig that sort of stuff.


Lola said…
Hey you!! One of those postcards just appeared in my mailbox!!I was thrilled to get your gift guys!Beautiful!
Congrats Liz!!! Oscar and I went there on our honeymoon road trip, and it was AWESOME! I love love love the area, the food, the people! If you want some rec's on places to see or places with great food email me I'm so happy for you two!!
Congrats Liz!!! Oscar and I went there on our honeymoon road trip, and it was AWESOME! I love love love the area, the food, the people! If you want some rec's on places to see or places with great food email me I'm so happy for you two!!
Haha Liz, you and Greg are too cute! We love your creative and funny postcards! Love, Cher and Steve xo

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